While riding a local bike trail my buddy almost had a terrible run in with this guy. Looks like it was just enjoying the sunny day too.
A few years ago, after selling off all the bearded dragons I had kept, I went for 3 years without having any reptiles. I finally convinced my wife Lauren to let me start up again by suggesting ornate uros as a compromise since they don't require live food. Needless to say that led me into Tegus and that obviously blew up and the ornates have been our pets. We recently agreed to expand breeding ornata uros for the future. I picked up a few US captive bred and some imports to hopefully have several lines to breed. We worked together to build the lizard rack which has been working very well for us. The tubs are each 3 foot by 2 foot mixing tubs similar to how rat racks are built. Currently I have the babies setup on paper towels with tile under the basking spot. They are eating great on variety of greens given daily. Very excited to see how these develop!
FOR SALE: $2500 shipped each.
I have available this almost 2 month old probable male albino that is growing great and has all kinds of colorful highlights. Please fee free to contact me for information on others available or any other questions. FOR SALE: $2500 shipped each.
These two albino baby tegus are available now. They are over a month old eating and growing very well. They have a calm demeanor and will be beautiful as adults. The one in the top of the picture is a probable female and the bottom is a male. Please let me know if you are interested and I can send more pictures. Finally finished the outdoor rhino iguana cage to move them outdoors. Just like all the tegu cages I layed wire on the bottom before laying sand/dirt on top. For the top wire I went with 1"X1" black coated since I knew they would try to climb to the top. They seemed to like it right away basking and eating. I would like to plant some edible flowers in there soon. I'll start with a big hibiscus and some cactus.
This is one of my baby tegu enclosures. The primary substrate is cypress mulch which is changed often. I use a heat and uv 10.0 bulb, kept a few inches away from the basking area. The hides are either stacks or some cork bark. Also, I keep a branch inside for climbing. Fresh water is changed daily in a shallow dish. At this young age I feed them daily crickets, super worms, and ground meat mix.
Hybrid babies - $250, plus shipping: Father(Blue Tegu) X Mother(Hybrid Tegu - Blue Cross/Red)
These babies are doing great showing a wide variation of color and pattern as they usually do. Growing quickly eating crickets and ground meat mix. All the tegus love thawed chick feeding day. It's a good way to get them out of their hides, so I used the opportunity to snap a few quick pictures.
Blue tegus available from this great looking pair(female left, male right). They are already getting fat and looking good ready to be shipped.
We are excited to announce that we are officially offering babies from all pairings for sale, including: Blue x blue cross, Blue crosses, Blues, Albino Blues and Hybrids. Please check out our Available Tegu page for more information. We look forward to providing our patient customers with some beautiful animals and speaking with you soon!
Since the SIM incubator tubs I'm using this year are larger then the standard 16 quart ones, I had to get a third incubator. My two natures spirit were not wide enough to fit several tubs on a shelf and are currently full. This scientific precision incubator was purchased used off eBay and works great. The only negative would be that it weighs in at 300 pounds. The double door is a pretty cool feature which allows you to quickly take a look without having to open all the way and lower the temperature. Currently this is not even half full as you can double up on each row. It's been running for over two months but the true test will be if these eggs hatch.
Male albino blue tegu mating with albino blue tegu female. This female was very accepting of this male which made it easier for him. They have locked up a few times.
It was nice to have some first time pairs produce some nice clutches. One of the clutches had 7 slugs. Another clutch was from a 100% het for albino blue pair. Another was from a pair where the male is quite blue and in one of my previous blogs. Very excited to see these blues laying eggs and looking forward to see what the babies look like.
Hector's Habitat