We have a few clutches that have hatched out this season including: Blues, Albino Blues, Hybrids(tribrids), Albino Hybrids(tribrids), Blue/Blue Crosses. Please see available page for pricing.
After some heavy rain I went out to collect some blue tegu eggs. I have several clutches still incubating and am excited (though a little surprised) to keep collecting eggs from my females. As I've mentioned before, this season is a little "off" in terms of timing.
A few people have asked for pics of blues and the breeders. Here are some current pics of most of our breeders for this years blue babies. Please feel free to look at the other photos on the site for previous pics of our blue line. If you have any other questions or to purchase a baby blue please email us at: [email protected].
These hybrids are the result of several breedings: beginning with the Blue Cross which was bred to a Red female. One of those males we raised and now this year we crossed the Hybrid male to an Albino Blue female to get these amazing little albino hybrid tegus(Click Here to see parents). The contrasting colors really pop on these guys and are all plump eating very well enjoying the Florida weather. These babies are $2800 shipped. Please contact us with any questions.
Hybrid babies - $250, plus shipping: Father(Blue Tegu) X Mother(Hybrid Tegu - Blue Cross/Red)
These babies are doing great showing a wide variation of color and pattern as they usually do. Growing quickly eating crickets and ground meat mix. This weekend is the Daytona Breeder's Expo and we will be there once again, next to Rob with "All About Beardeds." We are planning to bring our Blue Cross F2 and some black and white baby tegus. We are also bringing 7 adult Tegus: (2 Red males, 1 Red x Blue Cross male, 2 Blue cross males, and 2 B/W females). We are very interested in not having to ship these large animals, so please come out to see us in Daytona if you're interested in taking home an adult! We look forward to meeting some new people this weekend, and gearing up for a fun weekend of reptile conversations! Above are some pictures of the adult tegus we are bringing. Email us in advance if you want to purchase one and are interested in buying locally! We will consider shipping them if we don't sell them this weekend!
For Sale --> Blue Cross Tegus: $250 shipped.
These babies are doing great eating ground whole chicken mix I grind with bone and add croc diet, crickets and ready to ship. They are captive bred and born from a pair I raised from babies. The father is a blue cross(Omega) and the female is also a blue cross, both show light coloration through out, and the babies should grow to be some awesome looking adults. The babies raised last year turned out to be awesome looking, take a look at F2 pics for more examples. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Regards, Hector [email protected] www.hectorshabitat.com www.facebook.com/HectorsHabitat For Sale --> Blue X Blue Cross Tegus: $275 shipped.
These babies are doing great eating ground whole chicken mix I grind with bone and add croc diet, crickets and ready to ship. They are captive bred and born from a pair I raised from babies. The father is a pure blue(actually blue) and the female is a F2 blue/BW, both show light coloration through out, and the babies should grow to be some awesome looking adults. These guys look more like blue babies than black and white as they are 75% blue and 25% black and white. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Regards, Hector [email protected] www.hectorshabitat.com www.facebook.com/HectorsHabitat |
Hector's Habitat