We are having a nice time in Daytona at the National Reptile Breeders' Expo. Glad we got to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones. Fortunately, saw some of our adult tegus go to some great new homes! This weekend is the Daytona Breeder's Expo and we will be there once again, next to Rob with "All About Beardeds." We are planning to bring our Blue Cross F2 and some black and white baby tegus. We are also bringing 7 adult Tegus: (2 Red males, 1 Red x Blue Cross male, 2 Blue cross males, and 2 B/W females). We are very interested in not having to ship these large animals, so please come out to see us in Daytona if you're interested in taking home an adult! We look forward to meeting some new people this weekend, and gearing up for a fun weekend of reptile conversations! Above are some pictures of the adult tegus we are bringing. Email us in advance if you want to purchase one and are interested in buying locally! We will consider shipping them if we don't sell them this weekend!
This past week, we had Rachel and Joey here performing genetic classification research on our adult tegus. Rachel is a graduate student and was enthusiastic and passionate about her work! We were happy to have them visit, and both Hector and Rachel learned a lot from one another. We are excited to learn the results of her study as she's been collecting data over the course of 3 years! These are some of my current and future breeder Blue Tegus. The colors range from high whites to deep blues, and albinos of course. It's hard to capture the vivid colors these animals display.
Hector's Habitat