Still have a few tegus remaining and took some pictures today of their development and color variation. Starting to really lighten up! Enjoy!
My mom calls me today describing her hiking encounter with a rattlesnake in the Appalachian trails in NJ. Both my mom and the rattlesnake were out enjoying a beautiful day. She snapped a quick pic and both were on their way. Today's tegu feeding I gave some variation including: ground turkey mix, thawed mice, thawed chicks, and thawed fruit mix. I'm sure other tegu owners already realize that just like any animal they each have preferences to what they like to eat more of. For example, I was surprised at how much my Chacoan male loved to eat fruit specifically peaches. My reds would try some of each but that seems more because they are hefty eaters and pretty much eat anything. They seemed to prefer poultry like chicken parts, quail and turkey mix. I am going to try to add some Mazuri Croc Diet to the variation. Has anyone had success with this and if so how was it served, mixed with the ground turkey mix or just served alone moistened? I was thinking maybe grinding it up and mixing with the ground turkey mix at first. Later today, we will be posting our first Tegu lizards for sale. They are 2 weeks old and are a cross of a Blue female and Chacoan male. Check our breeding page to see pictures of the breeders and check the available tegu page later for pictures of the babies and ordering information!
It's about time we talk about our quail! We raise Coturnix Quail in Hectorbuilt cages. They serve as an excellent food source for the lizards (and us, sometimes). They can lay approximately 1 egg per day, per female. The eggs are small, with a ratio of about 4 or 5 : 1 when compared to the size of a chicken egg. The quails themselves are fast growing and mature at about 8 weeks. They are fed high protein crumble and kept in pens that house about 6 quail (2:4 male to female ratio for high fertility). The lizards enjoy the chicks, eggs, and full grown quail, depending on the lizard and the lizard's size. Another nice feature of the quail is the male's coo which is actually very soothing to some. Some pictures of 4 adult Tegu outdoor cages that Hector built. Cages for all reptiles are constructed at home, and we will be posting pictures and other DIY plans as time goes on. These cages, however, followed instructions from Underground Reptiles, a reptile breeder in South Florida: for video instructions click here. We like these cages because they make it easy to view the reptiles, are great for the outdoors, and have good air flow.
Hector's Habitat